Update 10/19/12

October 19th, 2012 § 19 comments

I’m doing quite well after first week of chemo. Today is my first full day off and I’ll start up again next Thursday night. I only have a few minutes to update you but I know I’ve been so quiet this week and usually that makes people worry!

I want to say that everywhere I’ve gone for medical appointments this week I have doctors telling me stories of patients of theirs who have been living with metastatic breast cancer in their bones for years (and in some cases, “years and years”). Until proven otherwise, that’s the group I’m putting myself in. Anyone who knows me knows I’m the biggest realist (and skeptic) there is. But right now I’m going full steam ahead and trying to recalibrate my life to this new normal. My body will be doing lots of work and I know I won’t be able to do everything I want to. I’m already accepting help so much more than I ever have. For now I am hoping that it helps others to be able to do something practical and useful for me instead of feeling helpless… since I know feeling helpless is a terrible feeling when watching a friend or loved one go through a difficult time.

I won’t talk about side effects today, I won’t talk about negative stories today. Today is about the stories of women with this disease who are living with cancer. That’s my story.


And a few links for you non-Twitter folks who might not have seen:

Author Laura Zigman and her Xtrafrenemy videos make me laugh. She made one for me. You can watch the YouTube video here. I’ve heard of Lisa Adams!  (Laura, I miss you… thank you for the gift of laughter).

Also, Media Bistro did a really nice piece this week on me. You can see that here.

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§ 19 Responses to Update 10/19/12"

  • You had us with “update.”

    Cheers. And super cheers for allowing others to help. It easn’t easy but it builds a team from a lonely journey.


  • Love you and love your focus on the story line of women living with cancer. Like Jody I give you “super cheers” for letting others in to help.


  • Casoly says:

    Love you. Respect you. So greatful for you.

  • Glad you’ve put yourself in the “years and years” group. Makes me smile. You know I’m here waiting in the wings willing to lend a hand. Just let me know when and where and I’m there, friend.

  • Attitude is everything in life. Good attitudes may not change circumstances but they change people and their outlooks on life. Giving up control and asking others for help is something most women have trouble with since we’re the ones who take care of everything! When I got evicted and was going to be homeless, I developed a bleeding ulcer that lasted 5 agonizing days. I couldn’t ever afford urgent care and I had no health insurance. I was terrified. I found out marijuana alleviated the extreme pain and had to call 2 of my “smoker” friends and ask them to BRING ME POT ASAP. They did. And it worked. I look back on that and laugh. I don’t even smoke pot!


  • Love that you are putting yourself in the “years and years” category, and I am sharing your journey with others to help spread the word.

  • Mir_B says:

    “living with metastatic breast cancer in their bones for years (and in some cases, “years and years”). Until proven otherwise, that’s the group I’m putting myself in” Yes yes, That’s what I was trying to say.

  • My comment has been gobbled twice but I am determined to say thanks for the update. I am definitely keeping you squarely in the ‘living with’ category. And maybe even living well with. Good for you for taking help. I am sure folks are all to glad to make a difference.

    Sending lots of love.

  • I read the years and years part with great happiness. But since I have committed to sending you a tweet every day, I will have ny originality challenged to the utmost! But I want to write you A MILLION tweets. (With love and the smell of cinnamon buns baked by your most beloved relative [who can BAKE, that is!]…

  • Erika Robuck says:

    Thank you so much for these updates. I know I crave them, however brief. I’ll also tell you that I was talking to a friend of a years and years Stage IV survivor, and that warmed my heart. Love and strength to you, friend… xo

  • Susan says:

    Thank you for the updates. You have every reason to be around for very long time and I love your attitude. You have to know right now you are still in shock. You are setting into your routine so well and that will work very well for you while I am also happy that in your bones things can stay indolent for a very long time. Thanks again #fearlessfriend!

  • Lisa,

    I’m not surprised about Laura’s video or her ability to make you laugh. When I was first dx’d, I found her blog and at her invitation to her readers went on a big old “BRANT” (if I remember the correct term) which was a BreastRant….. Going to take a peek at what she did for you in a sec.

    First, wanted to remind you I have you in my thoughts every single day…



  • Katherine C. James says:

    Yes: Years and years. Thank you for the update. Thinking of you each day. Missing you—your humor, observations, adventures—each day. Sending love. #LOVElisa

  • Beth Gainer says:

    Lisa, sooooo glad to hear from you and your update. You’ve got the right attitude; all you can do is do your very best. Much love and hugs.

  • KOB says:

    Hi Lisa
    I have been living with a small volume of bone mets for the past three years. People can do well with bone-only disease for a long time. I hope that is the case for you. I took hope from my surgeon who told me “No one dies of bone mets.” I know my cancer will likely spread beyond my bones someday and that will be a new kettle of fish, but just wanted to say hang in there.

  • Lisa, Thank you so much for the update which as usual contains such valuable advice and wisdom. I know it’s hard to ask for help, but I’m so glad to hear that you are because as Jody said, this is a team effort. And on that note, you have a huge “cyber team” out here, too! But I think you already know that. hugs.

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