Update 10/19/12

October 19th, 2012 § 23 comments

I’m doing quite well after first week of chemo. Today is my first full day off and I’ll start up again next Thursday night. I only have a few minutes to update you but I know I’ve been so quiet this week and usually that makes people worry!

I want to say that everywhere I’ve gone for medical appointments this week I have doctors telling me stories of patients of theirs who have been living with metastatic breast cancer in their bones for years (and in some cases, “years and years”). Until proven otherwise, that’s the group I’m putting myself in. Anyone who knows me knows I’m the biggest realist (and skeptic) there is. But right now I’m going full steam ahead and trying to recalibrate my life to this new normal. My body will be doing lots of work and I know I won’t be able to do everything I want to. I’m already accepting help so much more than I ever have. For now I am hoping that it helps others to be able to do something practical and useful for me instead of feeling helpless… since I know feeling helpless is a terrible feeling when watching a friend or loved one go through a difficult time.

I won’t talk about side effects today, I won’t talk about negative stories today. Today is about the stories of women with this disease who are living with cancer. That’s my story.


And a few links for you non-Twitter folks who might not have seen:

Author Laura Zigman and her Xtrafrenemy videos make me laugh. She made one for me. You can watch the YouTube video here. I’ve heard of Lisa Adams!  (Laura, I miss you… thank you for the gift of laughter).

Also, Media Bistro did a really nice piece this week on me. You can see that here.

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