Need me less,
Reach the sky,
Stand up tall. Make time go,
Speed it up,
Get it done,
Don’t look back. Hear my voice,
Feel my embrace,
Know I tried,
Look straight ahead. Keep forging,
Feeling. There is no choice,
This world is all there is, Make it last. Ours will be far shorter a time than it should be: Years compressed into months, days, hours, minutes. It will never be long enough, It simply could never be enough time with you.
I feel you. Beautiful. xo
You’ll always be together, one love, one enormous heart, Linda
Tears. Love to you, Lisa, beautiful wordsmith and human being.
It’s so sad that this is what is in your heart today. Damn cancer.
My heart aches. Love, hugs, and kisses from Oregon to you my dear Lisa.
My mother used to say, “What would I do without you?” and I would jokingly reply “Your own washing and ironing, your own mopping,” as I did her housekeeping when I was in university. I don’t know that I ever asked the same of her: “What would I do without you?”
My mom died of metastatic breast cancer when I was 23. I’m 40 now. She was a good mom, a wise woman, beloved by many. While she’s been gone 17 years now, she comes to me in things I do and say, the unexpected stories of her from people I run into. But, as you say, there was not enough time. I get that now that I have kids of my own. I worry that I won’t have enough time, though I am healthy. I make my appointments and check all the things, but still, I started motherhood late. My kids are 1.5 and 5.
I’ve heard it said that you never truly understand how much your mother loved you until you have a child of your own. It takes my breath away to think it, because I love my boys with the ferocity of a mother bear protecting her cubs.
May you have time. So much time.
Thinking of you today and everyday.
How could it ever be long enough?
Beautifully written.
Beautifully stated. I understand your words so well as I’ve had a loss much like your story. Thank you for sharing your story with us all.
unacceptable. no words to make it better. know that we, even if you don’t know all of us, are in pain for you and with you, it’s not comparable to your pain, but it’s pain nonetheless. I’ve followed your journey all along and I’m so sorry for your reality. I’ve learned from you, as I know your children have. Cancer can’t ever take your words, work and influence from them. They will always be who you molded them to be, so you will always be with them. This might not help for you to hear, but I’m a better Mom because of you. You’ve lightened my heart. I wish you comfort and peace.
I’ve been thinking about you. This is beautiful!
Feel like you reached in, scooped my heart out and put it on a page…it hurts.
So sad for you Lisa…so heart breaking to know your pain
Its beautiful and truthful thought/message. thanks for sharing. God Bless
Just wanted to say thank you. Reading your posts has meant a lot to me.
Beautiful words. You are making an impact on the world far beyond the lives of your family. Thank you.
Oh my goodness, Lisa. My heart breaks for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I wish we had a magic wand we could wave and all illnesses be gone!
So sad. I can’t even imagine how you are going thru this.
Absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for sharing this.
All the best,
Keep moving forward. Keep kicking cancer ‘ s fuckin ass. There never is enough time but your writing will forever be a legacy to the inner beauty of your soul.
I like what Stephanie VW said to you. That was nice.
Another school year begins and I’ve been following your blog for a while. I’m glad you were able to have another summer with your family even though you couldn’t do everything you wanted to. I’m glad you are there as this new school year starts. The tears are flowing as I read your words because it is so unfair. Unfair for you, them, your husband, and everyone else who knows you closely.
Words like yours remind the rest of us to hug our loved ones more and let go of the little stuff when we can. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.
Another powerful and beautiful reminder of the precious task of being a mother . In your case, compressed into precious little time.
I’m 44 and about to lose my mom from metastatic colon cancer- diagnosed 2 years after a “normal” colonoscopy. There is never enough time. I still can’t reach the sky, even though I stand up tall. God bless you, Lisa.
What a beautiful gift to your children. How fortunate they are to have a thoughtful, caring, sensitive mother like you. Here’s hoping that medical research somehow finds a way to give you much more time together.
your writing is so starkly beautiful, matter of fact and heartbreaking and I thank you for sharing it with us
I’m left speechless after reading this. You are an absolutely radiant spirit!
Beautifully written. Heartbreaking. No one should have to say this, no one, especially a mom with a young child.
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