I’ve decided to compile some lists here for readers new and old but I need your help.
I thought it might help new readers if they had a landing point when they first get to the site. Old readers might find posts they’d missed or forgotten, or ones they liked that have earned a second read. That idea blossomed into thinking about posting a list of my own favorites, but realize you as readers might have your own.
As I spend the next few days working on this job, please comment below with nominations you have for which post was your favorite. You don’t have to limit it to one. You can list as many as you like. I’d love to know what “hit home” with you, which ones affected you, or educated you the most. I’ll take those and work them into my lists.
It also is a gift to me to see which ones resonated so much that weeks, months, years later you still remember them. I’d love to know. If there are suggestions for topics you’d like to see me write more about, I’ll take those too. Even if someone else has suggested it, please add your vote… I am trying to see which ones are the favorites.
I think this is a great end of year activity.
I appreciate your readership and input as always and can’t wait to see what you have to say. I’ll be back to you with lists (in some form or another as I see what comes in) by the end of the year.
I wish you all a healthy, happy 2013.
I love all of your posts, so I’m not going to point to a post that “tugged at my heart” more than another. In terms of hitting home with fab. info… I have referred many people to your post about the Medical Binder (http://lisabadams.com/2011/03/16/the-binder-what-every-patient-should-have/). It’s been incredibly helpful for my family and my friends. You and I should work together to design one for mass marketing. (I’m only half kidding.) I love the honesty of all your posts, and so many have touched me emotionally and helped educate me. I think the Medical Binder Post is great for all readers regardless of their connection to cancer.
Happy New Year, Lisa.
I’m a relatively new follower. I’m a cancer survivor, but Iost my wife of 27 years to metastatic cancer. She was only 47 years old when she passed away. I enjoy your blog posts a lot. You give me strength and hope. Thank you Lisa for your strength and your willingness to share this difficult journey.
Two that have stuck with me are “Things don’t happen for a reason” and the one where you discuss a memoir by a man who survived a POW camp. I can’t find the post, so I don’t know the name, but the part about the careful balancing of acceptance and optimism really struck a chord with me.
great, thanks. I know which one you mean and will add it to the list! It’s about the Stockdale Paradox.
We’ve also had votes via Twitter for “The Passenger” and “To my dearest children.”
I tried to narrow it down. Not so easy, lady! Here goes: Cancer is not a gift, the must-have binder, a bookmarked life, I have a dream: to keep you safe, Steep in the glory & when I die.
More votes for It takes two and When I die from Twitter.
“Cancer is not a gift” and “To my dearest children” I know they have already been suggested but those are the two that resonated with me. The first because of my cancer and the second because I wish I had even one letter from my mom.
I’m interested and impressed with how you and your family have chosen to move forward through this life challenge. I am also interested to see what others are saying are their favourite posts.
We were a family of five (my youngest brother was diagnosed with Stage 4 primary brain cancer and made it well past his prognosis). My other brother recently finished treatment for prostate cancer and is presently dealing with after effects, my 88 yo father had awake brain surgery last Tuesday. We’ve been told it looks like his brain tumour is secondary to the prostate cancer he was diagnosed with a decade ago. Dad happily chatted his way through the surgery, had a brief nap afterwards, woke up and continues to chat and recover from the surgery nicely. He has been home since Thursday with my Mom and brother waiting for me to get there and through flu so I can get on the train (I’ll be cancelling my 3rd ticket home tomorrow – saw you’ve postponed your holiday trip, too) and make to what we’ve now decided’ will be a belated holiday dinner together later in the week.
I don’t have one specific, favourite post. I have been cherry-picking my way through your blog slowly since discovering it, allowing what I’m reading to thoroughly resonate.
I just saw your tweet about noticing some new followers had signed on and I decided to step forward to wish you well and say, “Hi!”.
To everyone’s health – cheers!
There are so many. I do know that your recent Huff Post piece is still will me and will be for a long while. I will come back after I roam around a bit.
From Twitter: i like your detailed updates on diagnosis/progress/meds/chemo/good-bad/etc so i don’t have to bug you with questions you’ve answered 100x.
Also, someone mentioned the one on grief vs. regret and the post on when a daughter grieves the death of her mother.
Like so many others, I like them all. The latest one really stuck with me. I can’t stop thinking about 6 years out – home free as they would say – and then bam, the news that it is back. I think that it is honest to say that most survivors never feel free and you covered that so well. Thanks Lisa for all that you write and the time you devote to this process.
Also, I loved the one about being a quitter. A great note to your children.
I’m a relatively new blog reader–came here via someone on twitter–your most recent post on it’s not a miracle, it’s chemotherapy, seems quite useful. Am now off to find some of the other posts people are mentioning here.
“The Passenger” vividly and poignantly captures EVERYTHING – the sadness, fear, uncertainty, resolve. Because of our kids in the back.
I am new so have not read all…but some favorites:
Nightmares of one kind or another (heartbreaking and so real)
On friendship and Alone
Some great picks, love that some are “oldies”! Thanks.
I am a fairly new reader of your blog Lisa, but you have many, many posts that hit home in a variety of ways. Two that really resonated with me were “And yet, the morning comes” from November 15, 2012 and “Permission slips: children grieve differently” from December 15, 2012. Keep on writing and thanks for sharing it with us. Happy Holidays!
‘These things are not tied with pink ribbons’ is one that stays with me still. Very powerful. Love all your posts, though. Very difficult to choose. Thanks for the gift of your writing.
I found your blog through a link from Hester Hill Schnipper’s Living With Breast Cancer blog. The post she had a link to was “When I Die.” I am about to start a new career as an oncology social worker, and her blog was recommended to me. Instead, i discovered your blog! I’ve enjoyed your blog and the frankness with which you share your story. Language is powerful and we often forget how things sound to us versus to another. I am an optimistic person by nature, so tend to go towards some of the language around finding the blessings in things, and even language such as “fighting” cancer or “losing the battle.” I now see why these words aren’t the best choices! This post is sad, but beautifully written, and a reminder to think before I speak. I believe your blog will be very helpful to me as I move forward In my career! Thank you for sharing your story.
This is a huge challenge for me because I LOVE all your posts. I think I feel this way because we are walking in the same shoes. I especially touched by “And, yet the morning comes” and Cancer is not a gift” and “To my dearest children.”
And today’s post took my breath away….for a few minutes. Keep writing, Lisa, as you once said…”words we leave behind, forever.”
Karen from Twitter likes:
Talking honestly with your children about cancer, Stupid things people say, Things don’t happen for a reason, and the “pink” posts (Why I divorced the Komen Foundation and These things aren’t tied with a pink ribbon).