Update 10/24/2012

October 24th, 2012 § 4 comments

Back to the oncologist on Thursday to talk about round 2 of chemo which also starts Thursday night. I’ll have my blood counts checked and we’ll talk about how I tolerated the first round. Frequently people can’t tolerate “full” dosage of the chemo for more than 2-3 rounds and they have to reduce the dose by 25%. I tolerated the first round reasonably well so I’m interested to see if we will be going full strength into the next round. I assume so.

It’s too soon to have any tumor marker tests show whether the chemo is working or not, so don’t expect any news about that yet. That will take weeks, perhaps many.

I am so grateful to friends who have been helping with playdates, rides, groceries, errands. I cannot tell you what it’s meant to me, especially during this very atypical few weeks. Thank you to everyone who has sent a note, email, treat, etc. It’s been overwhelming. I just can’t acknowledge them all the way I’d like (long handwritten note on gorgeous stationery) but please imagine that in your mind, because it’s what I’d send each of you if I could.


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