Update 10/7/12

October 7th, 2012 § 16 comments

My Facebook page has bloomed into a virtual garden. Friends have posted photos of their favorite flowers in a digital display of love and support. I love this idea. Each person has posted a picture more lovely than the next and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.

Many readers have asked about how I found out my cancer had returned/metastasized. I will write that account soon: it’s important. However, I need some time to write that up completely. I’ve been spending the weekend with my two older children having long talks about what’s happening. Their love and concern is heartbreaking. These talks are among the hardest conversations a parent can have but are the most important. These days are setting the foundation for those to come.

Monday afternoon at 4:30 I will meet with my local hematologist/oncologist and find out the details of my pathology report and talk more about the diagnosis. Thursday I will meet with my breast oncologist at Sloan Kettering and discuss treatment options with her as well. I have used both of these physicians since my original diagnosis so I don’t have to start from scratch with my medical history over the past few years.

I expect immediately after these meetings I will begin my first phase of treatment– whatever that is. I won’t speculate at this point what it might be, there are a variety of forms it might take.

I’m healing from surgery, my neck is very sore, with a good sized incision at the base of my throat. I had a nice tracheotomy scar there already since the age of 5; unfortunately, this one is puffy and angry and red and makes me miss my old one a lot. I couldn’t talk yesterday, but today I’m back jabbering away. I alternate between strength and falling apart, but I don’t think that’s anything unusual. It’s still all mindboggling. A week ago I was readying for a trip to the same oncologist, with no clue what news awaited me.

My appointment is late in the day Monday, so the next update might not actually get written until Tuesday. I’ll be in touch.



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