The blogpost I never wanted to write: my cancer is back

October 3rd, 2012 § 140 comments

Dear friends and family,
This is the last post I ever wanted to make but you all know that I am open and honest to a fault. Many of you noticed that I have not been online all week. Some of you checked in on me.

Some of you have heard the news by now: this week I received confirmation that my cancer has returned, now it has metastasized to my bones. It is not bone cancer. It is breast cancer that is in my bones. This means it’s stage IV breast cancer.

On Thursday I will have surgery to go in through my neck and retrieve some lymph nodes in my chest for testing. This will establish the hormone receptor status of the disease. My cancer was hormone receptor positive the first time around, we need to see if  it still is or whether it’s converted. This is important in that it tells us what drugs to try first to contain the disease.

This is not curable. The goal is to keep it growing slowly and keep it at bay for as long as possible. At this point how long that is is pure speculation, we need to see how it responds to drugs I will take. These could range from oral anti- hormone treatments to daily injections to IV chemo again. There are many different types of things they can try to use on this. I have already had a double mastectomy, chemo, and my ovaries removed to try to keep this from happening. Unfortunately my efforts did not work.

I will be writing more in detail about how I found out the cancer was back (be your own health advocate!) and writing along the way about what’s happening and what treatment is like. I know not all of you are readers of my blog; that will be the best place to get updates for now. My goal has always been to de-mystify this disease and its treatment as much as possible and I will continue to do that to the end. For now I am focused not on the end result but on the potential for science to provide me with treatment that will give me years of happiness with my beautiful husband and children. I do not know how many those will be.

If you want to receive emails of the blogposts (no pressure!) you can go to and enter your email address in the upper right. Be sure to look for the message in your inbox; you have to confirm that message to receive the updates. You can always just drop in to the website for an update if you don’t want to get them automatically. I will need to use the blog to do updates mostly because the updates will become time-consuming and I hope to do them in a public way to allow other people to read what this part of cancer is like. Those of you who follow me on Twitter, I will continue to be my prolific self as much as possible. My friends there are real friends in every way and have become some of my strongest in-real-life friends and were the first to pick up on the fact that something was wrong.

For now there isn’t anything we need. I’m hibernating and will need a few days to recover at home from the surgery tomorrow. You will see people around in the coming months who are helping me with the house and kids. My mom and dad will come at various times as well.

I ask that you not ask the children too many detailed questions right now. They will be getting used to this way of life again. They know my cancer is back. They know I will be treating it. We are leaving it at that for now to let them adjust to this while we gather the necessary information.

I know I have a great family and support system with all of my friends and I already am seeing the help and love they can give. I thank you for your concern, thoughts and wishes and you know I will be giving this everything I’ve got.

Please understand if I cannot respond to every message in a timely fashion. Your words mean so much to me but there are only so many hours in the day right now during this hectic time. I do read every single one though, and am buoyed by each.

Much love,

§ 140 Responses to The blogpost I never wanted to write: my cancer is back"

  • Julia says:

    Hi, I am so sorry to hear this. I am a recent follower of yours on Twitter and had missed you. Please know that I am pulling for you in every way. julie

  • To repeat: *&()#@!^%*(&)($#@$^^()>!<)(!+_$#^&**@

  • Julie Klam says:

    Sweet Lisa, I am here rooting for you and will do anything and everything I can to help. Sending you tons of love, Julie

  • Ann says:

    Just know Chris & I love you & are holding your hand from here.

  • mgaile says:

    I am so sorry! Cancer sucks. It is such a reminder – as a breast cancer survivor – that this is never really over. We try to do all the right things and sometimes that doesn’t even matter! Uugghh. Although I don’t know you personally, I know you from Twitter and always enjoy your tweets and blog posts. You are a great writer and clearly a strong woman with lots of love for your children, husband and family. I will be thinking about you constantly from Atlanta. Lots of love and positive thoughts coming your way!

  • Chemobabe says:


    I am thinking of you and your family and holding you all close in my heart.


  • robin black says:

    Sending you love, love and so sorry you and your family are facing this. You are my heroine of honesty and openness.


  • Sending you so much love.

  • Carol Sacks says:

    Thinking of you and your family and sending love.

  • Allison Wright says:

    Oh, Lisa. Just last night I was championing you to a colleague, describing the honest and clear way you approach life in all its gritty detail. You have my continued support from afar, as always.

  • Heather Fitzgerald says:

    Lisa, I am so sorry to hear that the cancer has resurfaced. As a twitter follower and fellow Fummer, I’ve always appreciated your wit, cander, and articulate writings about your cancer and your famly. Your voice online was missed the past few days. Good to hear from you, but know that I join the legions of people who will be following and supporting you from the far reaches of the internet. Thinking of you, Heather F.

  • Laura Zigman says:

    Thinking of you non-stop, Lisa. Sending love and strength to you and your beautiful family. xo

  • helgagrace says:

    I’m sure this must be a very difficult time for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your experience, and know that you’re not alone. My mother lived thirty years between her first cancer diagnosis and her death (after go-round number four); I hope that you will find the right balance of care to give your kids a lot more years as well.

  • Pmiceli says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. I join the voices of the others sending strength and good wishes to you and your family. Quiet legions standing behind you, near, far, and virtually.

  • Sending hugs, sending love, sending every single crossed finger toe & eye for tomorrow. You are most certainly in my heart. And grateful for your openness, honesty & incredible kindness–may you be buoyed by the karmic return of all that love.

  • Ronnica says:

    Nothing to say other than to let you know I’m praying for you and your family!

  • hot tears.
    you were on my mind this week, before i knew. now i know why.
    love to you, dear friend.
    so much love.

  • Pam says:

    Oh, Lisa! Oh, Lisa… I am sorry to hear this. I’m keeping you in my heart. I’m so proud to know you through Twitter and your blog. *hug of all hugs*

  • Annie says:

    Sending love & strength, Lisa…

  • ittybittybag says:

    Lisa, I am so sad to hear this and wish that I had been online more this week to realize that you were not. I will give you the space you’ve requested but I am here for you and your family with whatever you need. xoxo, Jen

  • Dennis Carlson says:

    Lisa –
    Your courage and strength is so evident in this post. Thank you for sharing. May you and your family find strength, hope, peace and blessings at this time. Be blessed in every way.

  • Becky says:

    Love you.

  • Melissa says:

    Sending much love, good thoughts and many hugs. I admire you and your courage more than I know how to express with mere words.

  • I have no words. But I send love to you and your whole family.

  • love and respect, Lisa. your strength abashes me.

  • erikarobuck says:

    Oh, Lisa. Lisa.

    I just returned from my travels this week to check in and say hi, and this.

    You are the best and bravest person I know. I will be with you every day in my thoughts and prayers. You mean so much to me; you can’t even know, and I will endeavor to make that clear as you march forward.

    I wish I lived closer to you.

    I love you, and wish your and your family bravery and peace as you move forward.


  • If you delete this post, can you make it not so?

    Thinking of you all & hoping for the best possible outcome. Stay strong. {HUGS}

  • MrsWhich says:

    the blog post I never wanted to read. sending love your way.

  • I, too, know you from Twitter and have read your blog from time to time. I have no idea what to say other than I am thinking of you, sending strength your way, and hoping you and your family find love, comfort, and peace in the coming days.

  • kelly says:

    Love and hugs to you all.

  • sharon says:

    Lisa, you write so beautifully about such a painful, personal part of your life. I am glad that you are sharing it because the sharing we all do is what helps us learn and find support. You are certainly in my thoughts.

  • Sarah says:

    My cherished Lisa,
    You are significantly loved by so many– me included in that great body of kindreds who have seen your genuine compassion and fallen head over heels for you and your dear family. I adore you more than I can express.

    I just read this blog aloud to Doc B and couldn’t finish. He had to read the last few paragraphs himself as I was too overcome with emotion.

    We have a date for tea in your beautiful garden. It will come to pass. I have confidence. I am praying and believing for the miraculous. I have seen and believe in miracles.

    Love you so much, my friend. Xoxoxo

  • Dear Lisa,
    Like MrsWhich said, the blog post I never wanted to read. So hard. Thank you for sharing this. Your blogging sisters are thinking about you.

  • As one of your devoted twitter followers, I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. Sending you lots of love and good thoughts…as so many of us are. Thank you for sharing your journey with us! – Maddie

  • Hallie Sawyer says:

    Rooting for you, Lisa. You are an inspiration for so many! Hugging you from here…

  • dawn says:

    im so sorry…. just so sorry…xx

  • Maureen says:

    Sending good thoughts for strength and peace.

  • Stephanie K says:

    Hi. I used to follow you on Twitter (I’m no longer on there.) I’m so sorry to hear this. Keep your head high and your love of reading higher.

  • I am so, so sorry, and so surprised. Everything about your online presence registers – Winner. Survivor. So I am going to pull for you in all hopes of your long and rewarding life.

  • Oh, Lisa, this just rots. This is Kathi aka The Accidental Amazon from Twitter & #bcsm. I’m glad you let us all know & I’m hoping for the best for you. I hope it is not causing you a lot of pain. Bone mets can be stinkers that way. But many of our sisters have had good response to treatment for them, which has bought them years of time, so I am hoping that for you.

  • Joe W says:

    Sending all my love to you and your family as well, Lisa.

  • Marilyn Jean says:

    Lisa, I’ve known you for awhile through twitter. You were there to talk to about my own breast cancer experience and then my sisters. I hope that you feel the strength of all of us who love you. You can speak your truth here. But you know that.

    Much love,
    Marilyn (@mpf2011)

  • thechemobabe says:

    i remember now how helpless we can feel when friends get bad news. i just want you to know that you are in my heart and i am thinking of you and your family. i will keep an eye out and look for ways to help, even if it’s just to lend and ear or make jokes with you. xo

  • mewhinneylee says:

    I hate that this is happening… and yet so grateful for your bravery (and beauty) in sharing. This being the biggest fear, I didn’t want to read past the title. Now I can’t stop reading. Hester Hill Schnipper always writes “it’s not curable, but it’s treatable.” I find hope in that statement. But it is so, so unfair. Going public brings you the gift of prayers from all corners. Mine are with you. Going public brings peace and understanding to the people who care about you. (I’m one of them now, too.)

  • I’m another of your devoted Twitter followers, and am so sorry to hear this news. You are a joy and I will be pulling for you every step of the way.

  • aswinn says:

    Love, hugs, kisses, strength, Lisa. xoxo

  • Oh Lisa,
    You just brought me to tears. I am sick to my stomach right now….. I don’t even know what to say. You know you are supported by far more people than you can imagine. I send you love and I’m only a quick car ride across a couple of rivers…. NOT kidding.

  • Brandie says:

    Lisa, I’m so sorry. I will be keeping you in my thoughts. I hope the upcoming surgery goes well. (((hugs)))

  • DrAttai says:

    Lisa, sending much love and support to you and your family.

  • keshamonk says:

    I am going through this EXACT SAME THING now. I’ve got the neck scars to show it! Lisa…..keep #livingstrong. Trust me, easier said than done…but I need for you to be encouraged. You will beat this. If I can, ANYBODY CAN!

  • Andrea says:

    Holding you in my thoughts as you and your family tackle this news and take important next steps. Xox

  • Lisa, this is heartbreaking news. You are a wonderful, powerful advocate for reason, sense and taking charge of your life. I wish life were fair. Words fail me.

  • Kate Mayfield says:

    Very, very sorry to read this, Lisa. I wish you and your family the very best.

  • Kathleen Nolan says:

    Lisa, I am thinking of you, Clarke and the kids every minute. Sending love and friendship to my amazing and lovely friend today and always. xo

  • Lisa, This is devastating news. I will be thinking of you today, and hope the surgery is successful and positive. I hate that my busy life prevented me from realizing something was wrong this week. All my best to you and your family.

  • Lisa, thinking of you and sending good thoughts and prayers.

  • Pat Milburn (granny user) says:

    I am so sorry that the Big C has returned; I thank you for being so honest and send my encouraging thoughts and loving concern to you today.

  • Heather says:

    As my 33-year-old sister is finishing up her last three sessions of chemo, I am so sad to hear this news . . . for you, for my sister, for me. What a reminder to live life as full as you can. You might not remember that one conversation months ago where you gave of your time to help me understand what my sister had in store for her, but I so appreciated it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. (Heather, Theresa’s friend)

  • Dear Lisa,
    Your message was in my email inbox; I just read. First thought. My heart sank. Second thought; How strong you are, how generous you are to share your journey with us at a time like this. I’ve only experienced this level of cancer through my sister but I have learned enough to know that it takes an extraordinary person to think beyond yourself, your family & all of the challenges, the choices, the what ifs, the hope, the fears, the anger (Well I’m projecting on the anger part) You don’t sound angry by the way. Like I said, I’m projecting.
    I feel honored, humbled & guilty really. We are being gifted such a rare thing to experience, through your eyes, your words, what we all fear but at your expense.
    My question is this. What can we do to help? Please think about this. We are here hoping against the odds but if there is anything more we can do, please tell us. There’s tremendous power in words, genuine raw words. I’d like to know. I’d like to give you something back for what you’re giving us.
    Your journey is now ours. And no amount of wording can fully explain that. Please know that you have an army of hearts fighting on the sidelines for you. First & foremost, you come first. You need to. We can wait. With gratitude and a sick but hopeful heart. Suzi

  • Cari says:

    Deeply sorry to hear that cancer has returned. Thank you for your openness and honesty about your journey with this devastating disease. Sending hopes for treatments that can buy you some good time with your family.

  • Harvey Freedenberg says:


    I’m so sorry to hear this news. I am adding your name to the list of people we are praying for at our synagogue and I will be thinking about you when I am there on Saturday.

    With warmest regards,

  • Isabel Walcott Draves says:

    How can it be? Oh Lisa.

  • Lisa, I’m speechless. I have no words to adequately express my thoughts. I have always greatly respected your efforts to demystify this wretched disease. And now you continue to do so with your candor and caring words. Your blogging sisters are here for you. Sending love and support.

  • Dee DeTarsio says:

    I am so sorry to hear, but I am sending you all good thoughts and prayers . . . take care.

  • Lisa, Cheering you on, with love and support! Keep your wonderful sense of humor, it is a gift and yours is terrific!! xxLiza

  • Lisa I’m so incredibly sorry you are going though this. Keep writing and sharing if you can manage, and we’ll follow along and cheer you forward. ~Catherine

  • Chris Abouzeid (gripemaster) says:

    So sad, and so unfair. Wishing you lots of love, strength and comfort.

  • Sarah says:

    Lisa, I was knitting last night quietly in my living room and thinking and praying for you. I talk of you so often to my friends and family that they all feel they know you too. You are kind of famous in my circle – larger then life. I will share your news with the Purlettes+1 today when we meet. We will all be sending you virtual hugs! Love you, xoxox

  • Mere words cannot summon up the depth of feeling I have for you, Lisa. You have all of my respect, regard, love and prayers.

  • My thoughts are with you and your family, LIsa. I’m glad you have support during this difficult time, I wish you the best with a swift recovery from surgery.

  • Laura Temkin says:

    Lisa, I haven’t been a twitter follower lately but for some reason, I checked in today and saw your new post. I was so saddened by your news. I live in fear of recurrence everyday. I can’t imagine — or maybe I can and do — what that feels like. Sure goes to show you that the cancer doesnt really care about a positive attitude. I will send loads of virtual hugs and prayers — not that the cancer cares about those either — but I hope that knowing how many virtual friends you inspire will help you in some small way.

  • Lisa, I am so sorry to see this news. My thoughts are with you & your family.

  • Jen Singer says:

    Lisa, I am so sorry to hear this. I will be thinking of you and hoping to see you and your wonderful writing online very soon.

  • kcecelia says:

    Thinking of you. Sending love.

  • Nicole says:

    Thinking of you today (especially) and every day. xxoo

  • Susan says:

    Lisa, I am so sorry that it took this terrible news for me to find you as I read AnneMarie’s blog. Looking back at your incredible blog and having just signed up to get updates, I recognize that this is a very difficult time and you need time to process all of this for yourself and your family. You have my thoughts and prayers as you enter this phase of your journey. XoXoXo

  • Allie says:

    So very sorry you’re going through this, Lisa. Thinking good thoughts for you and your family.

  • Praying for you and your family. Every time I hear a story like yours, I feel like I have been mule kicked in the place my ovaries once were (removed after breast cancer Stage2 dx and Brac1+ test). I live in fear of the same. I am very interested to know how you found out as this wisdom is invaluable. Strength and courage to you.

  • Lori says:

    Oh Lisa…I am so very sorry. I remember so clearly writing this same post a year ago. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you travel the path toward the upcoming treatment decisions.

  • Marinka says:

    Sending you and your family love and prayers. Thinking of you all.

  • Amy says:

    Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family!

  • Maggie says:

    I just happened here today, and read this. I read through many of your entries, so well written, so honest and intelligent and showing the depth of the person behind them. I am so sorry your cancer returned. I hope your surgery today goes as well as it possibly can and your treatments are as effective as possible. Like most people I have loved ones with or who had cancer and long for a day without cancer.

  • Oh, Lisa, I’m so sorry. Been sending you some prayers this week and will send even more. Liz Szabo

  • pascisrose says:

    Been there, I know how hard it is and how life isn’t the same anymore. Just wanted to tell you are not alone. Hugs, Suzanne

  • Renn says:

    You’re a very talented writer, and your posts overflow with wisdom and courage. BIG {{{hugs}}} to you and your family during this stressful time.

  • Della says:

    I just happened upon your blog from facebook. I am so very sorry you are going through this. You sound like a strong and courageous woman so my bet is on YOU!
    I am a 2 year breast cancer survivor as well; those of us who have walked in that valley know there is really never any closure.
    I’ll be following your blogs and keeping you in my warmest thoughts and prayers.

  • Brenna says:

    Lisa, no words. Just love. Immense love.

  • Darin says:

    So very terribly sorry, and full of thoughts and hopes for you. Sending to you and your familylove and whatever strength I can.

  • Lisa,
    This is what all of us fear. I can’t say anything to take the pain of this news away, but please know I am devastated for you and your family and friends. This online community may not always be in touch every week, but we are a family, and when one of us hurts, we all hurt as well.


  • Sending a LOT love, support, hugs, good thoughts to you from Australia.

  • I just found your blog. I’ve been living with metastatic cancer (liver) for 18 months now. It becomes a way of life, with many ups and downs .As you already know, there is no other choice but to get up and do it. Here is hoping for your piece of good luck out of many needed – that it stays in your bones and doesn’t move to an organ. You can live many, many years with bone mets only, especially if hormone positive and it’s responsive to hormonal treatment. Good luck to you.

    • I am so sorry that it is in your liver. What treatment are you on, if you don’t mind my asking? Feel free to reply via the contact form for privacy. I will await the news about the hormone status and report back. My original cancer was hormone receptor positive but we’ll have to see if it has remained so.

  • The support you have is astounding. I’m a loss for words as I’m numb and in shock and very, very angry at this disease we share.

  • Amy Galloway says:

    Dear Lisa,
    I am very upset that you are confronting this new stage of cancer. I will be thinking of you and your family and always, always, hoping for the best outcome.

  • Alessandra says:

    Prayers of hope, healing and peace coming your way. Hang in there… You have so many of us behind you!

  • tea_austen says:

    Thinking of you, sending love and strength.

  • Kelli (allaboutkelli) says:


    I am so, so sorry to hear that your cancer has returned. I’ve never actually met you but you are one of my favorite people on twitter and always look forward to seeing what you have to say. Sending you all the good karma and love I can during this awful time for you and your family.


  • Robert S. Miller, MD (@rsm2800) says:

    Lisa, you don’t know me but I was so sorry to hear of your recent news. I want to offer my good wishes and support. I’m a breast cancer oncologist and see the terrible and abrupt things this disease can do to good people every day. I’ve really enjoyed your blog and following you on Twitter. Your leadership on social media is exemplary, and I know it is a source of information and comfort to many. I hope you have a peaceful, smooth, and VERY LONG journey.

  • Sending you all the positive thoughts I have for a successful treatment that will give you more time surrounded by love

  • millejoa says:

    sending you and your family love,

  • colette DeVita says:

    Lisa, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are brave and strong and have clearly touched so many. I am honored to know you, even if from a distance. Many, many great memories to make- your children are so fortunate to have an inspirational mom like you. Love and hugs. Merrill

  • Lisa, sending big hugs, love, prayers and good thoughts. xx

  • Bumble says:

    Dear Lisa,
    I send you love as you have sent love out to all of us who read your blog or follow you on Twitter. You are brave and beautiful and you are surrounded by literally hundreds of people who care so much for you. We’re all in this together babe!
    Big hugs,

  • Wow. I just read the blog post. Though we’ve never met, I know you through Twitter and have come to love your honest, heartfelt words. You are truly a shining star in a crazy world. Please know that the rest of us are here, behind you all the way.

  • Remember how I said I owed you one? I’ll put in a call to God. He likes me. Mostly.

  • Dear Sweet Lisa,

    You are such a champion to so many people. I admire your courage to write about the entire ordeal of that beast that is cancer. I rely on the candid portrayal you offer on this disease to share with colleagues and clients who are researchers in this area, and who cannot work fast enough for a cure, but are emboldened to work harder when reading your account. I wish you and your family well, and will remain a steadfast reader of your blog. You have my support.


  • Jenn M. says:

    Just happened to see a post about you on a friend’s Facebook page. I am truly touched by your bravery and your willingness to share what you are going through. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  • I send so much love your way. XO

  • diplomom08 says:

    Thinking of you…

  • Lisa,

    you don’t know me but I have been following you on twitter ever since Google led me to your Komen post. I am in awe of your strength and grace.I am so sorry that this is happening to you.

  • I’m so sooooooo sorry. I understand this. My mom (stepmom) died of this in February this year (it’s on my blog).I wish I could give you a huge hug. I will be praying for you, my dear. Blessings. ♥

  • Demystifying the disease, the treatment, the effect on family and yourself: this is what you do best.

    Thank you.

    I will subscribe for updates. I’m sending my love and hopes and prayers and all my sincere wishes for things to go as well as possible.

    You have hundreds here who follow you quietly, and have always admired you, the way I do.

  • Dee says:

    Words can’t express what I want to tell you. May you have peace and strength, with the same to your family. Hugs

  • Jennifer Arch Gittelman says:

    Lisa – We have never met but I know Clarke from way back when during summers at the Tatnall pool. I was so sorry to hear about your cancer returning. I have just finished treatment for triple negative IDC breast cancer so I know some about what you went through the first time. I was reading some of your posts and they are so real and inspirational. I agree that we need to de-mystify this disease. I love your honesty and positive attitude. I hope with all my heart that you have many many more wonderful years with your beautiful family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Leslie says:

    Positive thoughts and strength going out to you and your family. I have just learned of your story through Chemobabe’s post, and although I don’t know you, we are united as sisters through having or having had breast cancer. Stay strong sister!

  • D says:

    I don’t know you, but I wish you well and am thinking good thoughts and best wishes for you and your family. I am so very sorry.

  • Sarah Jio says:

    Oh Lisa, this is so very heartbreaking to read. I will be praying for you and your children daily–specifically for extra peace, calm and strength. And healing. You are a very special soul. With love from Seattle, Sarah Jio

  • juliejulie says:

    I am very sad about this news. I am very impressed with you and would like you to stay on this earth as long as possible. You make the world brighter. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. We appreciate you!

  • Lisa, Am a few days late reading this devastating news, and can see what a huge and loving circle of support you have. Well, I’m just one more soul reaching out to send prayers for hope and healing. You are in my heart. Your clarity and honesty are breathtaking.

  • Oh Lisa, this is for sure the post I never wanted to read. Thank you for your selfless sharing of this, and your so practical take when time is precious. (I have just read both of your posts together).

    I am thinking of you as you go through the surgery, and am willing for the best results, clarity and the smoothest treatment path.

    I will be following your blog more regularly (I flit by quite often) and am with you in spirit as you and your family tread this path. This is a one way message, no reply expected. Use any time that might take for a hug or kiss or even a cup of tea 😉

    Love and very warm hugs to you
    Philippa xoxox

  • Shanan Murphy says:

    Lisa, I am so saddened to hear about your news. You are an amazing mother and your children are extraordinary! I will keep you in my prayers and hope you have many more years with your family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or the boys at school. You are a role model for so many with how strong you are even with all the challenges you’ve faced in life. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Cancer has affected us all in some way. My mother, mother-in-law, and her sister have all had breast cancer. Please know that my thoughts are with you and the your family.
    Sincerely, Shanan Murphy

  • As a Twitter follower, I am saddened by this news. You are a role model in so many ways. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Kevin Hennessy aka cookerguy says:

    Oh my. I’m thinking of you and your family and offering you stregth. Please reach out to me if I can help.

  • Horwitz says:


    I know that I am just a twitter friend but I was devestated to get on line tonight, after a week away from Twitter, and see your posts. Your writing has been so helpful to me. Sometimes when I read your blog I feel like you are writing just to me. I imagine your blog has that effect on many people- what a gift. I plan to be right beside you (in Twitterland of course), as you embark on this new journey. I will be rooting for you and wishing you well at every turn. I promise to send positive energy your way and I promise to be more present in my own life in honor of all that you are taking on.

    Sending many good thoughts out to you and your beautiful family.


  • Nina Badzin says:

    Lisa, I’ve been thinking about you every day since seeing this news on Twitter earlier in the week. I also read the more recent post (tips for sharing the news with children). You are so generous to always be thinking about your readers and their children—you never know who will need your advice and when. You’re incredible.

    I will be following the blog closely to keep up to date. Subscribing in a moment. Thank you for your openness. Nina

  • Darryle says:

    Lisa, I tweeted you in the middle of the night a few days ago, wondering why you were up. Now I know why. This is a punch in the gut for everyone who knows and admires you. I’m sure you don’t need to hear any more words of compassion or comfort which are really so inadequate. I wish there was something more I could offer other than my support in any way possible.

  • Dear Lisa,

    This morning as I was reading through the newsfeed on Facebook, a post by Nancy Stordahl regarding your blog caught my eye. Your maiden name was so familiar. You see my son lived in Bonchek House at Franklin & Marshall College, graduating this past May. I’m not sure why I never saw your story when the house was dedicated. I felt an instant connection to you having also walked those hallowed grounds. I am a ’78 alum of F & M. I am also a breast cancer survivor. I am saddened to learn of your recurrence, but if I have learned one thing it’s to never underestimate the human spirit. Your sense of optimism is palpable. I pray for the best possible results from your pathology and a treatment protocol that will give you many more years with your beautiful family. Time and health are the real bling-bling of life. As survivors that’s all we want. Just wanted you to know you have one more Diplomat in your corner.


    Nicki Boscia Durlester

  • Monica Bhide says:

    Thinking of you. Sending love.

  • Alicia says:

    Alicia here…. writing from Dallas. Was in Darien this Saturday and heard your health news. Glad to have found your blog again. Thinking of you and your three children. Can’t believe our babies are 14 this month. Music for children seems a lifetime ago. I’m glad we met in that church basement all those years ago.I’ll be thinking of you. And I’ll check in again sooner than later.

  • Sarah says:

    I am thinking of you and thinking of you and thinking of you.

  • I never knew that story, Lucinda… and if I did it’s been long forgotten. It hit me hard this morning. THank you for sharing that. Earrings have become extra special, actually, I now wear ones that were his mom’s. I loved her so and miss her so and they are my new talisman in this challenge. xo

  • Nell_Gram says:

    I just found your blog and am so touched by your beautiful words, your grace and strength, and your love for your family. How awful that your cancer is back. I am thinking of you from California and hoping you get better. Thinking of your family as well.


  • Catherine Arnold says:

    Dear Lisa, thank you for your posts and the interview with Jen. I’m sorry that you have MBC IV. I have it too. I’m an older gal (just turned 60) and while I am pretty much a positive person, I find it especially sad to hear when this happens to you young women and moms with little ones. But I am wowed and inspired by you and Jen. Life comes with no guarantees, and each day is precious and meaningful. Sending you love and hugs, Cathy

  • Tammy says:


    I wanted to let you know I’m praying for you. You are such a strong and positive person as you continue to fight this disease. Keep on fighting. You are truly an inspiration.


  • Carol Silva l says:

    I want to thank Priest Ajigar for the great work he has done,i am very greatfull for helping me get back my husband back after he abandoned me for good four months with pains and tears in my heart. i am Catherine from United state. My boyfriend before the break up usually insult and see nothing good in any thing i do, i felt as if i was cursed. my friends advice me to let go but i couldn’t because of the love i have for him which was so strong and could even move a mountain after two days of my contact with Priest Ajigar, my husband came back with apologies and love that he had never show me before and right now he doesn’t insult me any more rather he tells me how pretty and wonderfully made i am by God each morning. one thing i love about Priest Ajigar, is that he is so accommodating and free,you can email priest Ajigar on :priestajigarspells @ live . com

  • Accustomed Low-down Here this by-product

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