The hard truth

January 3rd, 2013 § 11 comments

I’m constantly haunted and angered by the language we use with cancer. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and this is what was in my head. I feel the need to caution: please don’t over-interpret this post: my health status has not changed. I’m not stopping chemo or any such thing. I’ve had a few acquaintances die of cancer this month and that’s where this is coming from.

People die of cancer every day.

Do you think they didn’t try hard?
Keep their chins up?
Think positive?
Stay strong?
Do their best?

They did.
But it wasn’t enough.
There is no consolation.
Sometimes there is no “getting better” or
“Kicking cancer’s ass.”
Sometimes there isn’t anything else to do but accept the finality.

That’s not giving up,
That’s accepting what is.

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