Al Jazeera America’s “The Stream” on Pinkwashing

October 10th, 2014 § 4 comments

ImageI’ve been struggling with side effects from the new chemo so I haven’t posted for a few days.

I know Al Jazeera Television has been rebroadcasting the episode of “The Stream” that I participated in last year. For those who missed it, I want to make it easy for you to watch. This was a rare event because they gave us a full half hour show to talk about Pinkwashing and Breast Cancer Awareness. Dr. Susan Love, Dr. Gayle Sulik, and I were given time to really talk about issues. I give them credit for allowing a whole show for us. To watch, just click on this link (must watch from a computer not a phone).


The photo is of two of my nieces watching me on TV.


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