Our new family member and today’s Doctor Radio interview

January 23rd, 2013 § 10 comments


First order of business is a late reminder that today (Wednesday) I will be on Doctor Radio on SiriusXM 81 from 1:00-1:30 EST on the Oncology show.

I’ll be talking about my first diagnosis of stage II cancer and then my recent diagnosis of stage IV metastatic cancer, my blog, and how to improve the doctor-patient relationship. You can call 877-NYU-DOCS if you want to ask questions! We will be live for that time period. You can even email questions in during that time (or even before, just send them to docs@siriusxm.com and say it’s for me on today’s oncology show). The half hour will go fast I’m sure. The taped show will then repeat tonight at 11 pm. I think you can go here to listen for free for a week if you want to listen in today: http://www.siriusxm.com/freetrial


I had intended to be posting each day this month but this weekend caught up with me. In the negative column, side effects from chemo this weekend were worse than usual. The nausea was the most debilitating one. Two out of the three weekend days were pretty much lost. As a result I could not get posts up. I am sorry about that.

However, these negatives were overshadowed a million times over by the other reason I was too busy to be writing. The photos you see are of the new addition to our family. Lucy is a two year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi that came to live with us on Sunday. She is a sweet and loving dog, and has made the adjustment to her new home seamlessly. My children (14, 11, 6) have fallen head over heels in love. Paige knew we were getting her but the boys were unaware… I loved having a surprise for them. I’ll write more about that soon.

We thank Gaye and John Georges at Calista Corgis for raising this beautiful dog who is a treasured part of our home now.

I’ll include a few photos and then be back this week finish out my month of revisiting some of the most-requested old posts. Yesterday I was at Sloan Kettering talking about side effects, PET scans, and tumor markers. As always, my doctors are very thorough and I always leave with more information about options and perspective. I was also able to share with Dr. Dang that with your generosity we’ve raised over $15,000 in 3 weeks for metastatic breast cancer research on my Sloan Kettering Giving page. 

Thanks to all for your support this week.


























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