So many people on Twitter asked about these pecans… here is the story:
My friend Inga gave me a bag of these a few nights ago. I devoured them.
I have since made my own batch and I just can’t stop eating them. They are delicious, very easy to make, and delectable. They make a great gift too — in a Mason jar or cello bag.
You will need:
1 pound halved pecans
1 cup sugar
1.5 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt (if the pecans are salted I would omit additional salt)
1 Tbsp water
1 egg white
Preheat oven to 250 degrees
In a large Ziploc bag combine sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Mix. Set aside.
In a small bowl, combine egg white and water. Mix.
Add water/egg mixture to the dry ingredients in the Ziploc bag. Add pecans. Close the bag and mix all around until the pecans are evenly coated (you want the moisture evenly distributed, the sugar may clump a bit on some pecans more than others).
Once the pecans are coated, spread evenly onto a cookie sheet.
Bake in oven for one hour.
When you remove from the oven, let the mixture cool on the sheet; the mixture still may be a bit wet and this will allow it to firm up. Use spatula to scrape them off the cookie sheet, they will some off in small clumps. (the cookie sheet is easily cleaned by soaking in hot water for a few minutes).
Your end result will look like this:
You can cut down on scrubbing by lining the pan with lightly-greased aluminum foil. Parchment paper might work, too (haven’t tried this).
I am worried they would stick? The cleanup really was not a big deal. I’m intrigued and will try a sample “blob” on the foil though. I also wondered if spraying non-stick spray like Pam would work, but since I haven’t tried any of these things I was hesitant to recommend them… if anyone experiments, let me know!
I had every intention of making big bunches of varieties of spiced nuts for Christmas this year. The big bag of nuts from Trader Joe’s is still sitting on my kitchen floor. Oh well. Next year. I’m afraid if I still make them this year I’ll eat them all myself. This recipe sounds good and I shall try it! Much love and see you soon! Merry Christmas!